2023 MDC Workbook

2023 MDC Workbook

Click on a lesson for pdf copy of that lesson's workbook

Wednesday - June 7th

9:00AM         Ephesians (Tom Wacaster)

10:00AM      Evidences - The Eye (Dinc McDonald)

11:00AM      History - Intertestimental: Synagogues & Worship (Morne Stephanus)

1:00PM          How Jesus Dealt with... Temptation (Kerry Clark)

2:00PM         Current Events Panel: Postmodernism: We Didn't Get Here Overnight (Israel Rodriguez)

2:00PM         Current Events Panel: Postmodernism: We Didn't Get Here Overnight (Terrance Brownlow-Dindy)

3:00PM         Doctrinal Deep-Dive: What about...Raffles? Drinking alcohol at home? (Johnnie Scaggs & Brant Stubblefield)

3:45PM         Critical Thinking Breakout (John Hall)

6:30PM         I Am the Alpha (Richard Massey)

7:30PM         I Am the Root and Offspring of David (Omari French)

Thursday - June 8th

9:00AM         Ephesians (Tom Wacaster)

10:00AM      Evidences - Immune System (Chris Jagge)

11:00AM      History - Intertestimental: Jewish Sects (Trent Thrasher)

1:00PM          How Jesus Dealt with... Conflict & Rejection (Melvin Bryant)

2:00PM         Current Events Panel: LGTBTQ2S+ & The Transgender Insanity (Terrance Brownlow-Dindy, Michael Light, Morne Stephanus, Ronnie Scherffius)

3:00PM         Doctrinal Deep-Dive: What about...Children's church? Women as deacons? (John Hall & Melvin Bryant)

3:45PM         Critical Thinking Breakout (Omari French)

6:30PM         I Am the Light of the World (Eric Owens)

7:30PM         I Am the Way, Truth and Life (Michael Shepherd)

Friday - June 9th

9:00AM         Ephesians (Tom Wacaster)

10:00AM      Evidences - Destruction of Tyre (Michael Light)

11:00AM      History - 1st Century Jewish Temple (Ronnie Scherffius)

1:00PM          How Jesus Dealt with... Evangelism  (John McCormack)

2:00PM         Current Events Panel: The Church & The Constitution (Jason Rollo, Bryan Braswell, Brant Stubblefield, Kerry Clark)

3:00PM         Doctrinal Deep-Dive: What about...Solos/Choirs/Groups? Mech. Instr. for in home worship? (Brant Stubblefield & Terrance Brownlow-Dindy)

3:45PM         Critical Thinking Breakout (Omari French)

Saturday - June 10th

9:00AM         Ephesians (Tom Wacaster)

10:00AM      Evidences - Tel Dan Stele (Daniel Horne)

11:00AM      History - Historicity of Jesus (Israel Rodriguez)

1:00PM          How Jesus Dealt with... Others' weaknesses  (Tom Moore)

2:00PM         Current Events Panel: Preparing the Church for Persecution (Terrance Brownlow-Dindy, Johnie Scaggs, Mike Bonner, Eric Garner)

3:00PM         Doctrinal Deep-Dive: What about...Singing During the Lord's Supper? Taking it "to" them (not in assembly"?  (Bryan Braswell & Tom Moore)

3:45PM         Critical Thinking Breakout (John Hall)

6:30PM         I Am the Good Shepherd (Ethan Adams)

7:30PM         I Am the True Vine (Eric Garner)

Sunday - June 11th

9:30AM        I Am the Bright and Morning Star (Mike Bonner)

10:30AM     I Am the Resurrection and Life (BJ Clarke)

1:30PM         I Am the Omega (Rick Popejoy)