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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
12/31/23 Rational Thought: What is a Good Person? John Hall Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
12/31/23 Building Up the House of God Tom Moore Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship
12/31/23 Romans Class: Ch. 7-8 Terrance Brownlow-Dindy Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Class
12/27/23 Overview of the Old Testament- Promises of the Mosaic Covenant John Hall Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class
12/24/23 Romans Class: Ch. 7 Jason Rollo Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Class
12/20/23 Overview of the Old Testament- Promises of the Patriarchal Covenant John Hall Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class
12/17/23 Was Muhammad a Prophet John Hall Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
12/17/23 David Served His Generation John Hall Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship
12/17/23 Romans Class: Ch. 7 Terrance Brownlow-Dindy Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Class
12/13/23 Overview of the OT- Promises of the Patriarchal Covenant John Hall Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class
12/10/23 Confucianism-Taoism John Hall Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
12/10/23 Romans Class: Ch. 7 Terrance Brownlow-Dindy Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Class
12/10/23 The Critical Importance of Bible Authority Jason Rollo Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship
12/06/23 Overview of the OT- Daniel, Ezra, Esther, Nehemiah John Hall Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class
12/03/23 Five Critical Facts of Reality Terrance Brownlow-Dindy Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship
12/03/23 Romans Class: Ch. 6 Terrance Brownlow-Dindy Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Class
12/03/23 The Christian & Reincarnation Morne Stephanus Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
11/26/23 Do the Gospel Accounts Belong in the New Testament? John Hall Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
11/26/23 Three Levels of Confidence (1 John 3) John Hall Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship
11/26/23 Romans Class: Ch. 6 Terrance Brownlow-Dindy Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Class
11/22/23 Overview of the OT- 1 & 2 Kings - 1 & 2 Chronicles John Hall Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class
11/19/23 The Challenges of Growth John Hall Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
11/19/23 Romans Class: Ch. 5-6 Terrance Brownlow-Dindy Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Class
11/19/23 God's Increase: Doing Our Part Terrance Brownlow-Dindy Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship
11/15/23 God's Great Day of Judgement Will Surely Come Jeff Rollo Gospel Meeting N/A Special Event

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