

Displaying 101 - 125 of 679

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
10/13/24 What the Grace of God is All About Tom Moore Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
10/13/24 Why is Selfishness Such a Pervasive Issue? John Hall Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship
10/13/24 Deuteronomy Class: Ch. 10-11 Jason Rollo Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Class
10/09/24 Foundations of Our Faith: Design In Nature Dinc McDonald Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class
10/06/24 Paul's Finally to the Ephesians David Hall Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
10/06/24 Subscribing to a System of Self Righteousness Terrance Brownlow-Dindy Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship
10/06/24 Deuteronomy Class: Ch. 9-10 Jason Rollo Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Class
10/02/24 Foundations of Our Faith: Mankind John Hall Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class
09/29/24 No Other Name John Hall Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship
09/29/24 Deuteronomy Class: Ch. 7-8 Jason Rollo Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Class
09/25/24 Foundations of Our Faith: The World John Hall Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class
09/22/24 Morality Series: Alcohol John Hall Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
09/22/24 The Glorious Gospel Jason Rollo Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship
09/22/24 Deuteronomy Class: Ch. 5-6 Jason Rollo Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Class
09/18/24 Foundations of Our Faith: Time pt 2 John Hall Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class
09/15/24 Morality Series: What is Morality? John Hall Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
09/15/24 Keep Your Fire Burning John Hall Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship
09/15/24 Deuteronomy Class: Ch. 3-4 Wes Mangan Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Class
09/11/24 Foundations of Our Faith: Time John Hall Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class
09/08/24 Morality Series: Fornication John Hall Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
09/08/24 The Danger of False Teachers from Within Tom Moore Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship
09/08/24 Deuteronomy Class: Ch. 1-2 Jason Rollo Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Class
09/04/24 Foundations of Our Faith: Intro John Hall Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Class
09/01/24 Living Godly in an Ungodly World Morne Stephanus Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
09/01/24 Living in Times of Peace and Prosperity John Hall Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship

Displaying 101 - 125 of 679

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